Start BiG in Your Community

BiG in a Box
Welcome to BiG in a Box—a heartfelt franchise model that's all about making a difference. Rooted in our God-centered vocational community, we offer meaningful work and respect for adults with functional disabilities. You can own a piece of this mission, with all intellectual property and branding included. Join us in spreading kindness and creating a positive impact together.
Big Startup Screening
BiG Startup Application
Non-Negotiables for BiG Replication Sites:
While we believe in freedom within the framework, there are 5 Non-Negotiables that are integral to operating and maintaining the culture of BiG.
Affirm every day that adults with special needs are made in the image of God and have a gift to contribute to the world.
Operate within a vocational community, providing meaningful work for adults with special needs.
Commit to changing the way the world sees adults with special needs by setting a standard of excellence in the “way and the what” you produce.
Incorporate the Core Values that set BiG apart and strive to exemplify them to those you serve, to those you work alongside, and to those who support your mission.
Continual Improvement
Hold Jesus Christ and a heart for the gospel as the center of the organization.